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English pages for Kids and Children-1

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English pages for Kids and Children - 1

Babs Bell (Bishop) Hajdusiewicz and her books

Bestselling author Babs Bell Hajdusiewicz

Bestselling author Babs Bell Hajdusiewicz, Ms.Ed. is the author of more than 100 books and 350 poems for children, including: Don’t Go Out in Your Underwear!; Phonics through Poetry: Teaching Phonemic Awareness Using Poetry; MORE Phonics through Poetry: Teaching Phonemic Awareness Using Poetry; Rhythm & Rhyme Reader Series; Questions and Answers Series; Jacks and More Jacks, Words! Words! Words!; Words and More Words. She is also author of Steppingstone Stories Series; Peaceful Me and Sometimes I Feel Happy, Sometimes I Feel Sad; three Poetry Works! collections for early childhood through intermediate grades; middle-grades biography Mary Carter Smith: African-American Storyteller; and the Dainty Dinosaur Series.

Hajdusiewicz stars in the Wright Group staff-development video Developing Oral Language and Phonemic Awareness through Rhythm and Rhyme. She has written numerous children's stories, articles for teachers and parents, and has contributed to and edited many elementary textbooks.

An educator for 40 years, Hajdusiewicz taught early childhood, elementary, and special education at all levels, served school districts in Indiana and Michigan as director of special education, and taught graduate and undergraduate education courses at Eastern Michigan and Cleveland State Universities. She founded Booking the Future: Reader to Reader™, a community-involvement literacy program that placed books in the hands and homes of more than 16,000 four, five, and six year olds, and Pee Wee Poetry™, a language development program for children aged two through nine. Hajdusiewicz is a frequent conference keynoter for educators and parents and a popular visiting author in schools across the country and abroad.

Specialties: Poetry for kids; humor; parenting for literacy; school staff development; author of numerous classroom materials; emphasis on phonemic awareness before phonics instruction; building love of learning from infancy onward

(Babs Bell Hajdusiewicz живет и работает в Атланте, штат Джорджия. Она написала более 100 книг и 350 стишков для детей. Своими книгами она предоставляет советы, консультации и материал для воспитателей, чтобы они чувствовали себя уверенно в том, что они помогают детям в период их раннего развития и становления их устной речи. Учителя английского языка могут использовать стихи для изучения языка в целом. Родители могут читать эти нехитрые стихи своим детям и помогать им изучать английский язык.)


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Nursery rhymes
For early learning counting fun
Describe 2D shapes
http://s3.uploads.ru/t/XPfDo.gif Learn English for free
Nursery rhymes & Education
Children songs

Picture Comprehension

песни из мульфильмов
видео на английском языке
тексты песен и сами песни известных исполнителей
интересные рассказы и стихи в оригинале для детей

Reading Comprehension for Kids

Reading Comprehension is suitable for Kindergarten students or beginning readers.
This product is helping children to sharpen reading and comprehension.


Gather around and listen well, for we have a fabled story to tell. Today is National Tell a Fairy Tale Day and a great opportunity to read to your kids. We are encouraged to explore myths, fantasy and fables, old, new or imagined by you on the spot. A fairy tale is a fictional story that may feature fairies, trolls, giants and talking animals. These stories often include enchantments and far-fetched events.




http://s3.uploads.ru/t/XPfDo.gif Learn English for free

Запятые в английском языке

Остановимся на пяти правилах, которые требуют дополнительного пояснения. Поскольку они отличаются от правил русского языка.

1. Оксфордская запятая

В русском языке в предложении: «Я хочу купить фрукты, шоколад и молоко» – мы не ставим запятую перед союзом «и».
В английском языке в предложении: «I’ve been to Spain, Italy, France, and Germany» – запятую можно поставить.
Заметь: именно можно, а не нужно. Чаще всего ее используют в американском английском, а вообще эта запятая – предмет целого спора между лингвистами. Подробнее в классном видео от TED.
На самом деле эту запятую обязательно использовать лишь тогда, когда без нее меняется смысл предложения:
– Please bring Bob, a DJ and a clown
Без запятой предложение можно понять как «Пожалуйста, приведи Боба – диджея и клоуна», то есть Боб – это и диджей, и клоун.
– Please bring Bob, a DJ, and a clown.
С запятой смысл уже иной: «Приведи Боба, диджея и клоуна» – то есть трех разных людей.
РЕКОМЕНДУЕМ: обрати внимание, что в некоторых случаях при перечислении однородных членов перед союзом and необходима запятая, чтобы избежать путаницы. Если боишься не угадать этот случай, то можешь ставить эту «оксфордскую запятую» всегда – это не будет ошибкой.

2. Запятая в предложениях с придаточными

В русском языке в сложноподчиненных предложениях нужна запятая. Вот смотри:
Если ты не уверен в этом, то дай мне знать сейчас.
Дай мне знать сейчас, если ты не уверен в этом.
Напомню, что сложноподчиненное предложение (СПП) – где есть главная и зависимая части. Главное предложение в нашем примере «дай мне знать сейчас». Подчиненное – «если ты не уверен».
В английском языке в первом случае запятая потребуется, а во втором – нет.
If you are not sure about this, let me know now.
Let me know now if you are not sure about this.
Это связано с тем, что по правилу запятую нужно ставить, только если придаточное (зависимое) предложение стоит ПЕРЕД главным.
Еще один пример:

If you’re ever in New York, come and look me up. (Если когда-нибудь окажетесь в Нью-Йорке, навестите меня).
Come and look me up if you’re ever in New York. (Навестите меня, если когда-нибудь окажетесь в Нью-Йорке).

РЕКОМЕНДУЕМ: запомни, что в сложноподчиненном предложении НЕ нужна запятая, если сначала идет главное предложение, а за ним – придаточное. Если наоборот – запятая нужна.

3. Запятая в определительных предложениях

Есть и еще один случай, когда в английском мы можем не ставить запятую в СПП.

В русском языке перед придаточными с «тот, который…» или «тот, что…» мы обязательно ставим запятую:

Я стою в доме, который построил Джек.
Я вижу тот дом, что построил Джек.

Такие придаточные называются определительными и отвечают на вопрос «какой?». В английском языке запятую можно не ставить:

They’re the people who want to buy our house. (Это люди, которые хотят купить наш дом).
Но тут не все так просто… Если эту определительную часть можно убрать, если она не является основным определителем субъекта, то запятая ставится:
Clare, who I work with, is doing the London marathon this year. (Клэр, с которой я работаю, организует Лондонский марафон в этом году).
Заметь: мы и так определили Клэр – назвали ее имя. Если мы уберем то, что выделено запятыми, смысл сильно не изменится: «Клэр организует Лондонский марафон».
В этом типе предложений могут использоваться союзы who, which, whose, whom (но только не that) и ставится запятая.

Теперь сравни:
They’re the people that she met at Jon’s party. (Это люди, с которыми она познакомилась на вечеринке Джона).
Если убрать вторую часть, то останется: «Это люди», и смысл предложения потеряется. Раз мы не можем мысленно убрать вторую часть, значит запятая НЕ нужна: так подчеркивается неделимость высказывания.
В этом типе используются те же союзы who, which, whose and whom + that, который часто заменяет все перечисленные союзы в неформальной речи.

РЕКОМЕНДУЕМ: обрати внимание, что перед определительным придаточным предложением не ставится запятая, если без него предложение полностью теряет смысл. В таком предложении может использоваться that. Если определительное предложение удаляется без потери основного смысла, то мы НЕ можем использовать в нем that и ставим запятую.

4. Запятая после сочетаний «я верю, я думаю, я считаю»

В русском языке вступительные «я думаю, я верю, я говорю» и др. отделяются запятой. Оно не удивительно: это же часть сложноподчинённого предложения! А мы уже вспомнили, что в русском с ними строго:
Я думаю, что все наладится.

Но в английском языке запятая здесь не понадобится.
В качестве примера известная цитата Одри Хепберн:

I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day…

РЕКОМЕНДУЕМ: не ставь запятую перед that после оборотов I think, I believe, he said и т.д.

5. Запятая в причастном обороте

В русском языке причастный оборот, стоящий после определяемого слова (⇐ вот тебе и пример), выделяется запятой. В английском языке – нет.
I see the sun rising above the horizon (Я вижу солнце, восходящее над горизонтом).
Но запятая может ставиться, если причастный оборот переводится как наш деепричастный оборот.

Заключение: правила постановки запятой в английском
Это не все нюансы, связанные с английской запятой. В английском языке вообще намного меньше случаев, когда запятая ставится.



Picture Comprehension





The Beach

This is the beach that time made.

This is the sand
That covers the beach that time made.

These are the rocks
That crumble to sand
That covers the beach that time made.

These are the waves
That beat the rocks
That crumble to sand
That covers the beach that time made.

This is the sea
That holds the waves
That beat the rocks
That crumble to sand
That covers the beach that time made.

This is the moon
That rocks the sea
That holds the waves
That beat the rocks
That crumble to sand
That covers the beach that time made.



A coworking space in Berlin

is a style of work that involves a shared workplace, often an office, and independent activity. Unlike in a typical office, those coworking are usually not employed by the same organization. Typically, it is attractive to work-at-home professionals, independent contractors, independent scientists or people who travel frequently who end up working in relative isolation. Coworking is a social gathering of a group of people who are still working independently, but who share values and who are interested in the synergy that can happen from working with people who value working in the same place alongside each other. Coworking offers a solution to the problem of isolation that many freelancers experience while working at home, while at the same time letting them escape the distractions of home. It generally costs money in the form of membership dues, though some spaces are free of charge.


Coworking is not only about the physical place, but about establishing a community. Its benefits can already be experienced outside of the physical spaces, and it is recommended to start with building a coworking community first before considering opening a Coworking place. However, some coworking places don't build a community; they just get a part of an existing one by combining their opening with an event which attracts their target group.

Real-estate centric coworking spaces are about selling desks first, with building community as a secondary goal. Players target freelance professionals, remote workers, and small to medium enterprises (SMEs) who need a space and seek a community with a collaborative spirit. Customers also often benefit from professional services such as printing or incorporation or consulting.

Coworking is distinct from business accelerators, incubators and executive suites. These spaces do not fit into the coworking model because they often miss the social, collaborative, and informal aspects of the process. In coworking, management practices are closer to that of a cooperative, including a focus on community rather than profit. Many[weasel words] of the coworking participants are also participants in an unconference like BarCamp and other related open-source participatory technology events.


Between 2006 and 2015, a few studies have shown the number of coworking spaces and available seats have roughly doubled each year.

Brad Neuberg is credited with starting the coworking movement in San Francisco in 2005 with the idea to combine the independence of freelancing with the structure and community of an office space. To do this, he invented the word "coworking" with no hyphen.Coworking how we experience it today was preceded by European hacker spaces of the 1990s, where programmers would exchange skills and best practices.

Some coworking places were developed by nomadic Internet entrepreneurs seeking an alternative to working in coffee shops and cafes, or to isolation in independent or home offices. A 2007 survey showed that many employees worry about feeling isolated and losing human interaction if they were to telecommute. Roughly a third of both private-sector and public-sector workers also reported that they did not want to stay at home during work. A major factor that drives demand for coworking is the growing part of independent workers



A plaque at the Reichenbach Falls in Bernese Oberland, Switzerland.
That's the place where Sherlock Holmes and Moriarty apparently fell down fighting.
Sherlock Holmes, of course, survived.



Arthur's Seat, Edinburgh, Scotland -
for when you want to feel the wind in your hair






Lydia Margaret Hine (1904-1964). Postcard of fairy riding butterfly, ca. 1924.




Phyllis Coopers postcards are rare and cost a fortune when found.



Phyllis Cooper postcard (1895-1988) Happyland series 1923



1895 - 1988 Tante Сartoline



Phyllis Cooper (1895 - 1988)



Phyllis Cooper (English illustrator; 1895-1988) ~ A Walk in the Wind [Christmas card]



Phyllis Cooper postcard (1895-1988) Christmas postcard






Phyllis Cooper postcard (1895-1988) Happyland series 1923



New panda mom doesn't know she has twins thanks to these sneaky zookeepers

Crafty zookeepers are keeping a set of newborn panda twins alive by switching them out every day.

Although twins aren't uncommon, when pandas have multiple babies they tend to devote all of their attention to only one of their cubs, leaving the other to starve.

But these zookeepers have managed to get new panda moms to care for both babies by rotating them out, tricking the pandas into believing they only have one cub to care for.

A BBC Earth video — narrated by the one and only David Attenborough — shows the keepers' technique.

New mother Lee Lee hasn't realized that she had twins because her keepers have been switching her 18-day-old cubs out, so she only has one at a time.

When they need to change out the cubs, they distract Lee Lee with a bowl of honey water and worm the young cub from her paws. Then, they put that cub in an incubator and bring the other cub to Lee Lee, ensuring that both get the maternal care they need.

Keepers swap the cubs out at least 10 times a day, keeping a meticulous record of the babies' time with their mom.

The technique has an almost 100 percent survival rate. Although pandas are no longer endangered, they are still vulnerable, so finding new ways to help the species along, even in captivity, is important.

Plus, it's freaking adorable.



Prince Philip Makes Rare Appearance and Attends Church with the Queen in Scotland

He's been keeping a very low profile.

By Rachel Epstein
Aug 20, 2018

Since Prince Philip, 97, officially retired from his royal duties last year, he's been keeping a very low profile. However, this weekend Prince Phillip made a rare appearance with his wife, Queen Elizabeth II, on their way to church in Scotland.

The husband and wife rode together in a Bentley while heading to Craithie Kirk church situated on the estate of the royal family's Balmoral Castle, which is located about nine hours from London. The Queen lives here during the year when she wants to vacation and escape the tourists while the Palace is open to the public. Aside from going to church, Philip also reportedly spent time at the estate fishing and relaxing.

Lately, Prince Philip has been focusing on his health. In April, he was forced to cancel several planned appearances to have an extensive hip surgery. He missed this year's Easter service with the entire royal family because of it, and hasn't been out and about much since. He didn't even attend his great-grandson Prince Louis' christening.

It's reported Prince Philip may also skip his granddaughter Princess Eugenie's wedding in October because "he does what he wants." He did make it to his grandson Prince Harry's wedding to Meghan Markle in May, only a month after his hip surgery, though a final decision has yet to be made whether or not the Duke of Edinburgh will attend Eugenie's wedding to longtime boyfriend, Jack Brooksbank.



King Henry VIII (1509 - 1547)
The best known fact about Henry is that he had six wives.
British school children learn the following rhyme to help them remember the fate of each wife:
"Divorced, Beheaded, Died: Divorced, Beheaded, Survived".

King Henry VIII is probably the best-known English ruler of all time. The subject of countless stories, TV programs, and movies, Henry VIII is most famous for being hugely fat, having a fixation with beheadings, and for having no fewer than six wives during the course of his nearly 38-year reign.

However, it might surprise you to learn that there was a lot more to this Tudor king than meets the eye. Henry VIII did a lot more during his reign than order executions and gain weight. Here, we look at ten amazing things that we bet you were never told about this much-married monarch.

Henry Should Never Have Been King

Although he is arguably the most famous English monarch of all time, Henry VIII should never have ascended to the throne. There are two reasons for this.

Firstly, his father, Henry VII, seized the throne from King Richard III after the Battle of Bosworth Field in 1485 and therefore wasn’t the rightful king of England. In fact, Henry VII’s claim to the throne was extremely tenuous; he was the great-great-grandson of King Edward III’s fourth son with his third wife. Should the line of succession have continued, Henry would never have gotten anywhere near the crown!

Also, Henry VIII had an older brother named Arthur, who should have succeeded to the throne on his father’s death. Unfortunately, Arthur died when he was just 15, leaving Henry as the only male heir.



King Henry VIII (1509 - 1547)
The best known fact about Henry is that he had six wives.
British school children learn the following rhyme to help them remember the fate of each wife:
"Divorced, Beheaded, Died: Divorced, Beheaded, Survived".

Henry Was Surprisingly Prudish

Although he ran through an amazing six wives during his lifetime, it’s likely that Henry VIII wasn’t very adventurous when it came to activities in the bedroom. We know that Henry had numerous mistresses over the years, some of whom he had children with, but there is no evidence that he tried any unusual sexual practices with them.