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English pages for Kids and Children-2

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English pages for Kids and Children - 2

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Gather around and listen well, for we have a fabled story to tell. Today is National Tell a Fairy Tale Day and a great opportunity to read to your kids. We are encouraged to explore myths, fantasy and fables, old, new or imagined by you on the spot. A fairy tale is a fictional story that may feature fairies, trolls, giants and talking animals. These stories often include enchantments and far-fetched events.


Nursery rhymes
For early learning counting fun

http://s3.uploads.ru/t/XPfDo.gif Learn English for free
Nursery rhymes & Education
Children songs

Picture Comprehension

песни из мульфильмов
видео на английском языке
тексты песен и сами песни известных исполнителей
интересные рассказы и стихи в оригинале для детей

Reading Comprehension for Kids

Reading Comprehension is suitable for Kindergarten students or beginning readers.
This product is helping children to sharpen reading and comprehension.




Beautiful ewe and her lamb!





The general appearance of the beagle resembles a miniature Foxhound, but the head is broader and the muzzle shorter, the expression completely different and the legs shorter in proportion to the body. They are generally between 13 and 16 inches (33 and 41 cm) high at the withers and weigh between 18 and 35 lb (8.2 and 15.9 kg), with females being slightly smaller than males on average.

They have a smooth, somewhat domed skull with a medium-length, square-cut muzzle and a black (or occasionally liver) gumdrop nose. The jaw is strong and the teeth scissor together with the upper teeth fitting perfectly over the lower teeth and both sets aligned square to the jaw. The eyes are large, hazel or brown, with a mild hound-like pleading look. The large ears are long, soft and low-set, turning towards the cheeks slightly and rounded at the tips. Beagles have a strong, medium-length neck (which is long enough for them to easily bend to the ground to pick up a scent), with little folding in the skin but some evidence of a dewlap; a broad chest narrowing to a tapered abdomen and waist and a long, slightly curved tail (known as the "stern") tipped with white. The white tip, known as the flag has been selectively bred for, as it allows the dog to be easily seen when its head is down following a scent. The tail does not curl over the back, but is held upright when the dog is active. The beagle has a muscular body and a medium-length, smooth, hard coat. The front legs are straight and carried under the body while the rear legs are muscular and well bent at the stifles.

The tricolored beagle—white with large black areas and light brown shading—is the most common. Tricolored beagles occur in a number of shades, from the "Classic Tri" with a jet black saddle (also known as "Blackback"), to the "Dark Tri" (where faint brown markings are intermingled with more prominent black markings), to the "Faded Tri" (where faint black markings are intermingled with more prominent brown markings). Some tricolored dogs have a broken pattern, sometimes referred to as pied. These dogs have mostly white coats with patches of black and brown hair. Tricolor beagles are almost always born black and white. The white areas are typically set by eight weeks, but the black areas may fade to brown as the puppy matures. (The brown may take between one and two years to fully develop.) Some beagles gradually change color during their lives, and may lose their black markings entirely.

Two-color varieties always have a white base color with areas of the second color. Tan and white is the most common two-color variety, but there is a wide range of other colors including lemon, a very light tan; red, a reddish, almost orange, brown; and liver, a darker brown, and black. Liver is not common and is not permitted in some standards; it tends to occur with yellow eyes. Ticked or mottled varieties may be either white or black with different colored flecks (ticking), such as the blue-mottled or bluetick beagle, which has spots that appear to be a midnight-blue color, similar to the coloring of the Bluetick Coonhound. Some tricolor beagles also have ticking of various colors in their white areas.




Dogs of similar size and purpose to the modern beagle[a] can be traced in Ancient Greece[2] back to around the 5th century BC. Xenophon, born around 430 BC, in his Treatise on Hunting or Cynegeticus refers to a hound that hunted hares by scent and was followed on foot. Small hounds are mentioned in the Forest Laws of Canute which exempted them from the ordinance which commanded that all dogs capable of running down a stag should have one foot mutilated.[3] If genuine, these laws would confirm that beagle-type dogs were present in England before 1016, but it is likely the laws were written in the Middle Ages to give a sense of antiquity and tradition to Forest Law.

In the 11th century, William the Conqueror brought the Talbot hound to Britain. The Talbot was a predominantly white, slow, deep-throated, scent hound derived from the St. Hubert Hound which had been developed in the 8th century. At some point the English Talbots were crossed with Greyhounds to give them an extra turn of speed.[5] Long extinct, the Talbot strain probably gave rise to the Southern Hound which, in turn, is thought to be an ancestor of the modern-day beagle.[b]

From medieval times, beagle was used as a generic description for the smaller hounds, though these dogs differed considerably from the modern breed. Miniature breeds of beagle-type dogs were known from the times of Edward II and Henry VII, who both had packs of Glove Beagles, so named since they were small enough to fit on a glove, and Queen Elizabeth I kept a breed known as a Pocket Beagle, which stood 8 to 9 inches (20 to 23 cm) at the shoulder. Small enough to fit in a "pocket" or saddlebag, they rode along on the hunt. The larger hounds would run the prey to ground, then the hunters would release the small dogs to continue the chase through underbrush. Elizabeth I referred to the dogs as her singing beagles and often entertained guests at her royal table by letting her Pocket Beagles cavort amid their plates and cups. 19th-century sources refer to these breeds interchangeably and it is possible that the two names refer to the same small variety. In George Jesse's Researches into the History of the British Dog from 1866, the early 17th-century poet and writer Gervase Markham is quoted referring to the beagle as small enough to sit on a man's hand and to the:

    little small mitten-beagle, which may be companion for a ladies kirtle, and in the field will run as cunningly as any hound whatere, only their musick is very small like reeds.

Standards for the Pocket Beagle were drawn up as late as 1901; these genetic lines are now extinct, although modern breeders have attempted to recreate the variety.

By the 18th century two breeds had been developed for hunting hare and rabbit: the Southern Hound and the North Country Beagle (or Northern Hound). The Southern Hound, a tall, heavy dog with a square head, and long, soft ears, was common from south of the River Trent and probably closely related to the Talbot Hound. Though slow, it had stamina and an excellent scenting ability. The North Country Beagle, possibly a cross between an offshoot of the Talbot stock and a Greyhound, was bred chiefly in Yorkshire and was common in the northern counties. It was smaller than the Southern Hound, less heavy-set and with a more pointed muzzle. It was faster than its southern counterpart but its scenting abilities were less well developed. As fox hunting became increasingly popular, numbers of both types of hound diminished. The beagle-type dogs were crossed with larger breeds such as Stag Hounds to produce the modern Foxhound. The beagle-size varieties came close to extinction but some farmers in the South ensured the survival of the prototype breeds by maintaining small rabbit-hunting packs.



The Beagle is a breed of small hound that is similar in appearance to the much larger foxhound.
The beagle is a scent hound, developed primarily for hunting hare.
With a great sense of smell and superior tracking instinct, the beagle is employed as detection dog for prohibited agricultural imports and foodstuffs in quarantine around the world.

The beagle is intelligent but single-minded. It is a popular pet due to its size, good temper, and lack of inherited health problems

Although beagle-type dogs have existed for 2,500 years, the modern breed was developed in Great Britain around the 1830s from several breeds, including the Talbot Hound, the North Country Beagle, the Southern Hound, and possibly the Harrier.

Beagles have been depicted in popular culture since Elizabethan times in literature and paintings, and more recently in film, television, and comic books. Snoopy of the comic strip Peanuts has been called "the world's most famous beagle"



The United Kingdom is made up of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland

Northern Ireland


If you have Scottish and/or Irish ancestry AND red hair, you probably also have VIKING ancestry, according to a new study.
The director for Nordic Studies at the University of the Highlands and Islands says red hair is modern evidence of the influence of the ancient Vikings in Celtic lands

The Monarch, Isle of Sky, Scotland

Warwick Castle - England One of the best preserved castles in England.

constituent unit of the United Kingdom that forms a westward extension of the island of Great Britain. The capital and main commercial and financial centre is Cardiff.

The Black Welsh Mountain sheep is a colour type of the Welsh Mountain sheep from Wales.




Scotland is awe-inspiring, powerful, and even spiritual.
The country's crumbling ruins interspersed throughout the landscape truly move travellers.




Buckingham Palace. London, England

Main Gate of Buckingham Palace in London, England.

The three lions are England, the lion rampant is Scotland and the harp is Ireland.
And once again, the UK leaves out Wales. Could've easily put in a dragon instead of the second triple lions, but nooo.




Halloween is coming soon, this special day is celebrated on October 31. On this day everyone decorate his house with a spooky theme, there are some interiors that are so serious and really scary, but there is also made for children. You can find a lot of DIY instructions for making interior and accessories for the home, is actually the most fun part is to decorate the front of house, because part of this is seen by the neighbors and the people. There are many themes that you can use to decorate your living room, stairs, balcony, porch, even your bathroom. Use scrap items to create a spooky interior decoration, in addition to saving costs, it is also more challenging. So, Halloween is coming, you prepare decoration and customs to celebrate this day!

With Halloween right around the corner, you need to get inspiration for your next pumpkin carving. This is why we have found the 44 Best Pumpkin Carving Ideas for 2018! Each pumpkin carving idea is featured below and we really love what people have done for the previous years. You will see some more traditional styles but you will also see some very unorthodox pumpkin carvings also. We love them all!



Witches, goblins and ghosts Oh my!
Get into the Halloween spirit and create a spooky new wreath for your door with this easy Halloween wreath tutorial.

Halloween skull wreath



Spooky, wonderful DIY Halloween Yard Decorations

They just in our brains and can continue with our fears. We can kill them.
Do not be afraid and care about them, it means to be destroyed.

Styrofoam Coffin, 4 Walgreens Skeletons, pvc pipes, rebar, Florist wire. Clever!




Do it Yourself Halloween Decorations Ideas – Creating a front yard setting that is both awesome and creepy to amuse, scare and delight the trick-or-treat crowd is easy, but it does take some time. At one time, we used to have “the best house on the block” for Halloween. We never put out the decorations … Do it Yourself Halloween Decorations Ideas
Skeleton bride and groom




Halloween scarecrow

Pumpkin Graveyard …

Perfect costume for children



Did you know that hens have high emotional intelligence?

Mother hen and her fledgling pigeons

They are known to have an amazing sense of empathy, possess rationality, and are self-aware.
Hens communicate with one another as individuals and relate to other animals through simple communication.
They are able to sense, like a human mother, others’ needs.
Hens have been known to adopt orphaned chicks, fledglings, and even kittens—they literally take them under their wing, and dote on them as if they were their own. Hens are true “mothers” and no one can deny that!
Mama hen with many extra little legs!

=Spoiler написал(а):

Hen sheltering kittens from a storm

A nesting hen babysitting for a cat

Baby jackdaw adopted by broody mother hen



Isle of Skye, Scotland

Isle of Skye, Scotland ~~ Now I know why I was so terrified on those wet roads (slick due to rain) with the shale drop-offs beside the road, trying to pass a bus and sheep, etc. We were travelling on cliffs on high tors, and I got so ill we had to turn and go back...



Edinburgh Castle - Edinburgh, Scotland



St. Margaret - the stained glass is in St.Margaret's Chapel in Edinburgh Castle:
St. Margaret's at Edinburgh Castle - Edinburgh, Scotland - such as amazing little chapel
The stained glass in St Margaret's Chapel in Edinburgh Castle dates from 1922 and was designed by Douglas Strachan.
The chapel itself dates from the 12th century and commemorates Saint Margaret of Scotland.
St. Margaret's chapel - Oldest part of Edinburgh castle

Edinburgh Castle: William Wallace window commemorating William Wallace is inset into the thick walls of St Margaret’s Chapel.
The oldest building in Edinburgh, the beautiful little chapel was founded by Queen Margaret’s son, David I, in 1130, in memory of his mother
William Wallace - the stained glass is in St.Margaret's Chapel in Edinburgh Castle



Young Princess Victoria ~
She inherited the throne aged 18, after her father's three elder brothers had all died, leaving no surviving legitimate children.

Queen Victoria mourned the death of Prince Albert for the rest of her life. Only years later did she accept the encouragement of others and was again seen in public. Her governments became stronger and agreeable, under PM Disraeli, with whom she shared interests in writing and publishing. The United Kingdom expanded to become the British Empire and she its Empress. Without Albert’s moderating influence, Victoria condoned military adventurism in Afghanistan, the Sudan and South Africa.




Day hike through the wilderness forest trail near Santa Fe; gently rises and loops through beautiful aspen and mixed conifer groves. Another series of watercolors working to achieve a minimalist feel. A fun way to bust loose and explore with watercolors using quick strokes with a Japanese



Nursery rhymes




Nursery rhymes
